Our Story
Joe’s Place came together through the creative collaboration of the MRH School District, Crossroads Presbyterian Church, other local churches, and a number of committed volunteers.
In July of 2006 a not-for-profit corporation was formed, a Board of Directors was established, and by-laws were developed. In August the MRH School District purchased the house, just a short distance from the school. In September, the Board hired a part-time program director to attend to the details of getting Joe’s Place up and running. Also in September, a major gifts fund-raising committee was established.
In the fall of 2006, house parents were hired and they moved into Joe’s Place. They welcomed the first resident in January, 2007, and he was soon followed by the second, third and fourth residents.
To date, Joe’s Place has served 24 boys, with all but one successfully completing high school or on track to do so.
Joe’s Place is staffed by two qualified house parents. These individuals receive room and board and a stipend in exchange for serving as house parents five days a week. Students check into the house on Sunday evening and out on Friday. Local churches and volunteers help to coordinate meal donations two days a week. The other days, house parents and students cook meals together. Community volunteers serve as mentors and tutors for the residents of Joe’s Place.
A therapist provides clinical interventions for each of the student residents of Joe’s Place and meets with the entire group of student residents and the house parents in regular sessions to discuss issues that may arise in the house.