#GivingTuesdayNow – an additional global day of giving created as an emergency response to COVID-19. 

We are proud to announce that two of our residents are graduating from MRH High School!  After graduation, one resident will be living on his own and completing his general education classes at St. Louis Community College. Our other resident is still deciding between multiple offers from colleges outside of St. Louis and will be living in a dormitory. To honor their amazing accomplishments and to support their transitions into college and young adulthood, we have organized a graduation gift list with items they will need. If you would like to help us celebrate this momentous occasion by giving a graduation gift, you may peruse their wish list at Amazon. Every gift will be automatically mailed to Joe’s Place. 

To give a monetary gift to help Joe’s Place residents and graduates thrive, select the “Donate with PayPal” button above.

We are immensely proud of our graduates and their resilience and determination to pursue their educational and career dreams. We are also proud to share that our new case manager is in place and will continue to support these two young men throughout their transition to college and into their young adult years.

Thank you for your support during #GivingTuesdayNow!